
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

GioGio Design

GioGio Design

Get outside! A big part of being well and mindful is just getting outside, and enjoying the green spaces away from our phones and computers.

Taking a walk or hike in the woods has so many benefits; such as reducing stress. Walking is one of the most powerful ways to maintain a healthy weight and improve your mental health. So get out there, turn off the noise, and improve your overall health.

Worried about cognitive decline? Get outside because research has shown that those who are closer to the parks and green spaces help reduce cognitive decline.

Spending a sunny day outdoors can boost your Vitamin D which helps your muscles, nerves, and immune system. Walk in the woods and lower your blood pressure.

Most importantly get outside to experience all that nature has to offer. Take this time to stop, and be still. listen to the sounds and be grateful you are there. (Source)

GioGio Design takes their love of nature and brings it to many of their products:

One of the first things I started designing and making when I began my business was candle holders. My husband and I have always been obsessed with creating ambiance with lighted candles and incense.

I love designing candle holders that create lovely patterns of flickering light and shadows.

I’m also an exercise and yoga enthusiast, and I think a connection to the outdoors is important for wellness and everyday well-being. Nature and the environment are huge inspirations for me, and I use a lot of natural motifs in my work.

We use eco-friendly FSC-certified bamboo plywood with a natural linseed or butcher block oil finish. The all-natural materials used in our products reflect our commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Their products will look great in any home! Fill your store and give your customers some amazing options for their homes or gifts they can purchase for their friends and family.

Find all their products HERE on our Spa Marketplace.

Ten2Midnight Studios

Ten2Midnight Studios

Essentially Nola

Essentially Nola